Thursday, November 6, 2014

Excel Functions..

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A1,$B$1:$B$6,1,FALSE)), "No", "Yes")

A is a list,
B is a List
if Values in A are in the B List, have Yes in the third column... 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Jenkins Installation in Weblogic

I tried installing Jenkins (1.574) into Weblogic 10.3.6 server.  I tried following steps but with no luck.

Changed the weblogic.xml to include couple more packages, and also added -Djava.awt.headless=true to the the Server Startup options in the weblogic console.  You can download the war from below link.

Weblogic 10.3.6 ready Jenkin 1.574

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Getting file with SMB Protocol

Get the jcifs jars from below sites..

If anyone wants info regarding SMB,

import jcifs.smb.NtlmPasswordAuthentication;
import jcifs.smb.SmbFile;
import jcifs.smb.SmbFileInputStream;
import jcifs.smb.SmbFileOutputStream;

public class SMBFileReader {
private String USER_NAME = null;
private String PASSWORD = null;
private String DOMAIN = null;
private String NETWORK_FOLDER = null;

public boolean getFile(String fileName)  throws Exception{
    boolean successful = false;
    String path = null;
    NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = null;
    SmbFile sFile = null;
    SmbFileOutputStream sfos = null;
    try {
        USER_NAME = "xyz";
        PASSWORD = "****";
        DOMAIN = "";
        NETWORK_FOLDER = "smb://optmsdb03/WDGMD/Orders/";
        auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(
                DOMAIN, USER_NAME, PASSWORD);
        path = NETWORK_FOLDER + fileName;
        sFile = new SmbFile(path, auth);
        SmbFileInputStream in = new SmbFileInputStream( sFile);
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("C:/data/test_200.txt");
        byte[] b = new byte[8192];
        int n, tot = 0;
        long t1 = 0;
        while(( n = b )) > 0 ) {
            out.write( b, 0, n );
            tot += n;
        successful = true;
        Log.logger("File successfully created.", "info");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        successful = false;
        Log.logger("Unable to create file. Cause: "
                + e.getMessage(), "error");
        throw e;
    return successful;

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Oracle Database Advanced Queue (AQ)


For a oracle db user, to create queues, queue tables, listen onto the AQ's and consume messages and to send messages to AQ, the below grants need to be assigned.


More to follow on this topic... 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

IBM MQSeries

Copying here for future purposes(original above)...

Introducing message groups

IBM® WebSphere® MQ cannot always guarantee the ordering of messages between a sending and receiving application. If three messages are sent in the order A B C, they may not arrive in that same order if, for example, the intervening network distributes the messages across a cluster and then recombines them. But what if message order is vital to the functioning of the application? Imagine a scenario in which message B tells the application to ignore the previous message. The meaning of the sequence would then be very different if the messages arrived in the order C B A.
WebSphere MQ addresses this issue through message grouping. The originating application can specify that it is sending messages A, B and C as part of a group. Each message in the group is assigned a sequence number starting at 1. The receiving application can then specify that it wishes to receive the messages in this logical order, as opposed to the physical order in which the messages arrive at a destination. Now, even if message B or C arrives first, they will not be passed to the application immediately because they do not have sequence number 1.
Message groups can serve another purpose. Sometimes, message order may not matter, but it may be important that a collection of messages are processed together, both spatially and temporally. For example, consider an application that sends a message each time an item is added to an online shopping cart. The items in the shopping cart may need to be processed together, perhaps to aggregate them into a single order message. You could manage this aggregation by placing the messages in a message group. The recipient of the messages can specify that they do not want to receive any of the messages in the group until all of them have arrived at the destination. In this scenario, it is also important that all of the messages are received in the same place. If, for scalability reasons, there are multiple consumers at the destination, it is vital that all messages representing items in the same order are delivered to the same consumer, and message groups can ensure that this happens.
The concept of message groups is distinct from that of message segmentation, which means that a large message has been broken down into smaller messages on sending and should be re-assembled into the original message upon receipt. Each of the entities in a message group is an entire message. You can break down the messages within a message group using message segmentation, but we will not consider that option in this article.

Using the WebSphere MQ Java API

Exception handling

To improve clarity, exception handling logic has been removed from the code listings in this article. For the example classes containing the complete code, see the Download section.
We'll now take a look at the practicalities of sending and receiving message groups using the WebSphere MQ Java™ API.

Sending a message group

Listing 1 below illustrates the code required to use the WebSphere MQ Java API to send a group of five messages to the queue default on the queue manager QM_host:
Listing 1. Sending a message group using the WebSphere MQ Java API
MQQueueManager queueManager = new MQQueueManager("QM_host");
MQQueue queue = queueManager.accessQueue("default", MQC.MQOO_OUTPUT);

MQPutMessageOptions pmo = new MQPutMessageOptions();

for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

    MQMessage message = new MQMessage();
    message.format = "MQSTR";
    message.writeString("Message " + i);

    if (i < 5) {
        message.messageFlags = MQC.MQMF_MSG_IN_GROUP;
    } else {
        message.messageFlags = MQC.MQMF_LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP;

    queue.put(message, pmo);


The example begins by connecting to the queue manager and opening a queue handle for output. From the point of view of message groups, the first important thing to note is that the constant MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER is added to the put message options. This value indicates to the queue manager that the application is going to put each of the messages in the group in sequential order and that all of the messages in one group will be put by this client before any of the messages in the next.
The code then loops five times, putting a new message on each occasion. (The message format is set to MQSTR so that we may later receive the messages as JMS text messages.) For the first four messages, the message flag MQMF_MSG_IN_GROUP is set to indicate that the message should be part of the current group. The fifth message has the message flag MQMF_LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP set to indicate that it is the final message in the group. The next time a message is put with the MQMF_MSG_IN_GROUP flag, a new group will automatically be started.
The example ends by closing the queue handle and disconnecting from the queue manager. Having run this code, Figure 1 below illustrates the result of browsing the group of messages using WebSphere MQ Explorer:
Figure 1. Browsing the message group in WebSphere MQ Explorer
Figure 1. Browsing the message group in WebSphere MQ Explorer
Each of the messages has been allocated the same 24-byte group identifier along with a logical sequence number running from 1 through 5.
The use of the MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER put message option is purely for convenience. It is possible for an application to not use this flag and to set the group identifier and sequence numbers explicitly, which may be necessary if messages are to be sent out of order or interleaved with other message groups. The message flags should still be set to indicate that a message is in a group and whether it is the last message. Another scenario where this may be useful is if the messages in a group are spread over a long period of time. An application may send the first few messages in a group using logical message ordering, after which the system fails. When the application restarts, it can continue with the message group by sending the next message without logical ordering and explicitly set the group identifier to be the one used for the earlier messages along with the next sequence identifier. At this point, it may switch back to using logical message ordering for the subsequent messages. The queue manager will then continue to use the same group identifier and increment the sequence number each time.
You can combine the use of message groups with transactions. If the first message is put under a transaction, then all of the other messages must be put under a transaction if they use the same queue handle. However, each message does not need to be in the same transaction.

Receiving a message group

Having sent our messages in a group, we now want to receive them again in the same order. Listing 2 below gives an example of how to do this using the WebSphere MQ Java API:
Listing 2. Receiving a message group using the WebSphere MQ Java API
MQQueueManager queueManager = new MQQueueManager("QM_host");
MQQueue queue = queueManager.accessQueue("default", MQC.MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF);

MQGetMessageOptions gmo = new MQGetMessageOptions();

gmo.matchOptions = MQC.MQMO_NONE;

MQMessage message = new MQMessage();

do {

    queue.get(message, gmo);
    int dataLength = retrievedMessage.getDataLength();

    gmo.matchOptions = MQC.MQMO_MATCH_GROUP_ID;

} while (gmo.groupStatus != MQC.MQGS_LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP);

As before, the code begins by connecting to the queue manager and opening the queue handle, but this time for retrieving messages using the default queue definition. We specify two get message options: MQGMO_LOGICAL_ORDER indicates that we wish to receive the messages in logical order, in other words, the message with sequence number 1 should be received first, then number 2, and so on. The second option, MQGMO_ALL_MSGS_AVAILABLE, indicates that we don't wish to receive any messages in a group until all of the messages are available. This option prevents us from starting to process messages in a group only to discover that subsequent messages haven't been sent yet, let alone arrived.
For the first get, we specify that no match options are required -- we are prepared to receive the first message in any group. For subsequent iterations, we specify the MQMO_MATCH_GROUP_ID option, which indicates that we only wish to receive a message with a matching group identifier. We reuse the same message object for each iteration and consequently, for the second get, it will contain the group identifier of the first message received. Each get updates the group status field of the get message options. When it is set to MQGS_LAST_MSG_IN_GROUP, we know that we have received all of the messages in the group.
As in the previous listing, be sure to clean up on completion by closing the queue handle and disconnecting from the queue manager.

Using the WebSphere MQ JMS API

Specification versions

The JMS examples in this article use the unified domain interfaces from JMS 1.1. However, they could be rewritten to use the point-to-point or publish-subscribe interfaces available with earlier versions of WebSphere MQ JMS. Similarly, the MDB example available in the Download section could be made to work in a J2EE 1.3 application server by using an EJB 2.0 deployment descriptor and the JMS 1.0.2b interfaces.
At this point you may ask why the examples are using the WebSphere MQ Java API. In this age of standards, shouldn't we be using the Java Message Service (JMS) API? Unfortunately, as with most standard specifications, JMS represents the lowest common denominator in terms of functionality supported by messaging systems. Consequently, not all of the behavior supported by WebSphere MQ can be expressed via this API, and message groups fall into that category. The JMS specification does define two properties named JMSXGroupID and JMSXGroupSeq, and specifies that they represent the identity of the group a message is part of, and the sequence number within that group. The JMS specification does not, however, provide any support for using these properties. All is not lost though -- with a few workarounds, we can still replicate our existing behavior using these properties.

Sending a message group

Let's start by looking at the sending application. As mentioned above, the put message option MQPMO_LOGICAL_ORDER was simply an instruction to the queue manager to automatically allocate message group identifiers and sequence numbers. The example in Listing 3 below demonstrates how, in the absence of this option in the JMS API, we can set these properties explicitly.
Listing 3. Sending a message group using the WebSphere MQ JMS API
MQConnectionFactory factory = new MQConnectionFactory();
MQQueue destination = new MQQueue("default");
Connection connection = factory.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);

String groupId = "ID:" + new BigInteger(24 * 8, new Random()).toString(16);

for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {

    TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage();
    message.setStringProperty("JMSXGroupID", groupId);
    message.setIntProperty("JMSXGroupSeq", i);

    if (i == 5) {
        message.setBooleanProperty("JMS_IBM_Last_Msg_In_Group", true);

    message.setText("Message " + i);


The example begins by programmatically constructing a connection factory and destination. These administered objects could also have been obtained from a repository such as Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). Next we create the usual JMS artifacts required to send a message, then generate a group identifier by taking a random 24-byte BigInteger and converting it to a hexadecimal string. As with message identifiers, the WebSphere MQ JMS API expects the group identifier to be prefixed by the string ID:
The code then iterates to send the five messages. The group identifier is set to the JMSXGroupId string property and the sequence number to the JMSXGroupSeq integer property. The API assumes that if the group identifier is set, then the message is part of a group. Therefore all that remains is to indicate the last message in the group, which we do by setting the Boolean property JMS_IBM_Last_Msg_In_Group to true.
If you run this code and then browse the queue using WebSphere MQ Explorer, you will see that the message descriptor properties have been set as before. We should now be able to run our original WebSphere MQ Java receiver to pick up this group of messages. To make this possible, we specified the target client as MQJMS_CLIENT_NONJMS_MQ in Listing 3 above, which ensures that an RFH2 header is not added to the body of the message, which would confuse the non-JMS client.

Receiving a message group

Unfortunately, replicating the behavior for receiving message groups with JMS is not quite so easy. Logical ordering is fairly simple to do using message selectors. We start with a selector matching any message with a sequence number of 1, and once we have that message, we determine which group it is in. We then set up a second selector that specifies a sequence number of 2 along with the group identifier. We continue incrementing the sequence number until we receive a message that has the JMS_IBM_Last_Msg_In_Group property set. The hard part is trying to reproduce the behavior of the MQGMO_ALL_MSGS_AVAILABLE option. Listing 4 shows one possible solution:
Listing 4. Receiving a message group using the WebSphere MQ JMS API
MQConnectionFactory factory = new MQConnectionFactory();
MQQueue destination = new MQQueue("default");
Connection connection = factory.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession(true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

MessageConsumer lastMessageConsumer = 
    session.createConsumer(destination, "JMS_IBM_Last_Msg_In_Group=TRUE");
TextMessage lastMessage = (TextMessage) lastMessageConsumer.receiveNoWait();

if (lastMessage != null) {

    int groupSize = lastMessage.getIntProperty("JMSXGroupSeq");
    String groupId = lastMessage.getStringProperty("JMSXGroupID");

    boolean failed = false;

    for (int i = 1; (i < groupSize) && !failed; i++) {

        MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination,
            "JMSXGroupID='" + groupId + "'AND JMSXGroupSeq=" + i);
        TextMessage message = (TextMessage)consumer.receiveNoWait();

        if (message != null) {
        } else {
            failed = true;



    if (failed) {
    } else {


As before, we begin by creating all the JMS resources necessary to consume a message. This time we must start the connection; otherwise we won't receive any messages at all. The key to this solution is that we attempt to receive the last message in a group first. We do this by creating a consumer with a message selector of JMS_IBM_Last_Msg_In_Group=TRUE. If the messaging topology is such that ordering cannot be guaranteed, then we cannot be 100% sure that all of the other messages in the group have arrived. In a moment we'll see how we deal with the case when they have not all arrived.
If we receive the last message in a group, then we can obtain the group identifier and use its sequence number to determine the size of the group. With this information, we then iterate, attempting to receive all of the other messages in the group in sequence order starting at the beginning. We achieve this by setting up a new consumer on each iteration that selects based on the group identifier and sequence number that we require. Now, if for some reason the message has not arrived yet, we will get null back from the receiveNoWait method. At this point we set the failed flag, which causes us to drop out of the loop.
Look back at the line where we created the JMS session. You'll see that, unlike the previous example code, the first parameter has been set to true to indicate that the send and receive operations performed on this session should be performed as part of a local transaction. This means that, if the failed flag has been set because a message has not been received, we can roll back the transaction and return all of the other messages in the group back to the queue. If we did successfully receive all of the messages, then we must remember to commit the transaction. Otherwise, when we close the connection, the transaction will be rolled back on our behalf.
Unfortunately, whilst we are repeatedly rolling back one incomplete group, there may be other groups available on the destination that are complete but we are not reaching. This problem can be solved by temporarily excluding the incomplete group from the message selector, or by copying the group to an in-memory or persistent store for completion later. The next section examines how to address this problem in one particular environment -- the application server.

Receiving message groups in a J2EE application server

Listing 4 above shows how to receive a message group using the WebSphere MQ JMS API. But in an application server environment, message receipt is typically performed via a message-driven bean (MDB). How can we adapt our approach so that it will work in this situation? It is still possible to configure a message selector for an MDB but it is statically defined by the administrator. We will therefore configure this selector with JMS_IBM_Last_Msg_In_Group=TRUE so that the MDB is always passed the last message in a group. We need this first message to be received as part of a transaction, and therefore the MDB should also be configured to use Container Managed Transactions (CMT) with a transaction attribute of RequiresNew. Here is the code for the onMessage method of our MDB:
Listing 5. A message-driven bean for receiving message groups
public void onMessage(Message lastMessage) {

    InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
    ConnectionFactory factory = 
        (ConnectionFactory) context.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/factory");
    Destination destination = 
        (Destination) context.lookup("java:comp/env/jms/destination");
    Connection connection = factory.createConnection();
    Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
    int groupSize = lastMessage.getIntProperty("JMSXGroupSeq");
    String groupId = lastMessage.getStringProperty("JMSXGroupID");
    boolean failed = false;
    for (int i = 1; (i < groupSize) && !failed; i++) {
        MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(destination,
            "JMSXGroupID='" + groupId + "'AND JMSXGroupSeq=" + i);
        TextMessage message = (TextMessage) consumer.receiveNoWait();
        if (message != null) {
        } else {
            failed = true;
    if (failed) {
    } else {
        System.out.println(((TextMessage) lastMessage).getText());

As appropriate for a J2EE environment, the example now obtains the connection factory and destination from JNDI. The transacted parameter passed when the JMS session is created is ignored this time -- all messages will be received as part of global transaction started by the container. If the receipt of one of the messages fails, we mark the global transaction for rollback and then sleep for 5 seconds. Since the transaction is not actually rolled back until the method exits, the messages that have been received are held locked on the destination, which prevents other instances of the MDB from trying to receive this same incomplete group. Instead, these other instances can be attempting to receive other groups from the destination. When the method finally exists, the transaction will be rolled back and the messages will be available for receipt again, at which point hopefully the entire group has arrived.
In this environment, try to limit the number of times that you attempt to receive the group, since each time you roll back a transaction, the message delivery count is incremented for the messages that were received. If you call the above code repeatedly, this count may reach the backout threshold configured on the destination, at which point the messages will be re-queued and no longer available for receipt.
If the entire message group is received successfully, then the method completes and the container commits the transaction, thereby removing the messages from the destination.


This article has described what messages groups are and why you might want to use them. You have seen sample code showing how message groups can be sent and received using both the WebSphere MQ Java and JMS APIs, as well as how an MDB may be used to receive a group of messages in a J2EE application server. While somewhat simplified, these examples should help you understand how message groups can be handled effectively in these environments.

Monday, June 30, 2014

IBM MQ - AIX Installation Hardware requirements

IBM MQ - AIX Hardware Requirements

AIX Commands

Find larger files

find /archive -type f -size +1000 -exec ls -lrt {} \; | sort -n +4


If there is a need to split a file based on record tags , we can use the following awk command

awk '/^HDR/{x="File"++i;}{print > x;}' sample_file

HDR Ã  Tag based on which the file has to be split
“File” Ã  Name of the split files .. File1,File2……..Filen
Sample_file Ã  Input file 


oslevel -a

6100 denotes AIX Version
06 denotes Technology Package
08 denotes Service Pack
1216 - First 2 characters(12) denote the 2 digit year (2012) in which the update happened.
           Last 2 characters(16) denote the Week in which the update happened in a given year.

More AIX Commands from below:

Just copying into my blog to have the full text if in case the blog entry gets deleted...


As you know, AIX has a vast array of commands that enable you to do a multitude of tasks. Depending on what you need to accomplish, you use only a certain subset of these commands. These subsets differ from user to user and from need to need. However, there are a few core commands that you commonly use. You need these commands either to answer your own questions or to provide answers to the queries of the support professionals.
In this article, I'll discuss some of these core commands. The intent is to provide a list that you can use as a ready reference. The behavior of these commands should be identical in all releases of AIX. The exceptions have been noted where that is not true.



How do I know if I am running a uniprocessor kernel or a multiprocessor kernel, or a 32-bit kernel or a 64-bit kernel?
/unix is a symbolic link to the booted kernel. To find out what kernel mode is running, enter ls -l /unix and see what file /unix it links to. The following are the three possible outputs from the ls -l /unix command and their corresponding kernels:
/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_up   # 32 bit uniprocessor kernel
/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp   # 32 bit multiprocessor kernel
/unix -> /usr/lib/boot/unix_64   # 64 bit multiprocessor kernel
AIX 5L Version 5.3 does not support a uniprocessor kernel.
How can I change from one kernel mode to another?
During the installation process, one of the kernels, appropriate for the AIX version and the hardware in operation, is enabled by default. Use the method from the previous question and assume that the 32-bit kernel is enabled. Also assume that you want to boot it up in the 64-bit kernel mode. This can be done by running the following commands in sequence:
ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64    /unix
ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64    /usr/lib/boot/unix

bosboot -ad  /dev/hdiskxx
shutdown -r
The /dev/hdiskxx directory is where the boot logical volume /dev/hd5 is located. To find out what xx is in hdiskxx, run the following command:
 lslv -m hd5
In AIX V5.2, the 32-bit kernel is installed by default. In AIX V5.3, the 64-bit kernel is installed on 64-bit hardware and the 32-bit kernel is installed on 32-bit hardware by default.


How do I know if my machine is capable of running AIX 5L Version 5.3?
AIX 5L Version 5.3 supports all 32- bit and 64-bit Common Hardware Reference Platform (CHRP)-based IBM Power® hardware. Only 64-bit CHRP systems are supported with AIX 6.1 and AIX V7.1.
How do I know if my machine is CHRP-based?
Run the prtconf command. If it is a CHRP machine, the string chrp appears on the Model Architecture line.
How do I know if my Power Systems machine (hardware) is 32-bit or 64-bit?
Run the prtconf command.
How much real memory does my machine have?
To display real memory in kilobytes (KB), type one of the following:
lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem
Can my machine run the 64-bit kernel?
64-bit hardware is required to run the 64-bit kernel.
What are the values of attributes for devices in my system?
To list the current values of the attributes for the tape device, rmt0, type:
lsattr -l rmt0 -E
To list the default values of the attributes for the tape device, rmt0, type:
lsattr -l rmt0 -D
To list the possible values of the login attribute for the TTY device, tty0, type:
lsattr -l tty0 -a login -R
To display system-level attributes, type:
lsattr -E -l sys0
How many processors does my system have?
To display the number of processors on your system, type:
lscfg | grep proc
How many hard disks does my system have and which ones are in use?
To display the number of hard disks on your system, type:
How do I list information about a specific physical volume?
To find details about hdisk1, for example, run the following command:
lspv hdisk1
How do I get a detailed configuration of my system?
Type the following:
The following options provide specific information:
Option Description
-pDisplays platform-specific device information. The flag is applicable to AIX V4.2.1 or later.
-vDisplays the vital product data (VPD) found in the customized VPD object class.
For example, to display details about the tape drive, rmt0, type:
lscfg -vl rmt0
You can obtain similar information by running the prtconf command.
How do I find out the chip type, system name, node name, model number, and so forth?
The uname command provides details about your system.
Command Description
uname -pDisplays the chip type of the system. For example, IBM PowerPC®.
uname -rDisplays the release number of the operating system.
uname -sDisplays the system name. For example, AIX.
uname -nDisplays the name of the node.
uname -aDisplays the system name, nodename, version, machine ID.
uname -MDisplays the system model name. For example, IBM, 9114-275.
uname -vDisplays the operating system version.
uname -mDisplays the machine ID number of the hardware running the system.
name -uDisplays the system ID number.


What is the technology level of my system?
To determine the highest technology level reached for the current version of AIX on the system, type:
oslevel -r
lslpp -h bos.rte
To list the installation state for the most-recent level of installed file sets for all of the bos.rte file sets, type:
lslpp -l "bos.rte.*"
To list which software is below AIX Version 5.3 technology level 1, type:
oslevel -r -l 5300-01
To list which software is at a level later than AIX Version 5.3 technology level 1, type:
oslevel -r -g 5300-01
To determine the highest service pack reached for the current technology level on the system, type:
oslevel -s
To list the known service packs on a system, type:
oslevel -sq
The levels returned can be used with the [ -s -l ] or [ -s -g ] flags, and will be similar to the following:
Known service packs
To list which software is below AIX Version 6.1 technology level 0, service pack 1, type:
oslevel -s -l 6100-00-01-0748
To list which software is at a level later than AIX Version 6.1 technology level 0, service pack 1, type:
oslevel -s -g 6100-00-01-0748
How do I create a file system?
The following command will create, within volume group testvg, a journaled file system (JFS) of 10 MB with mounting point /fs1:
crfs -v jfs -g testvg -a size=10M -m /fs1
The following command creates, within the testvg volume group, a enhanced journaled file system (JFS2) of 10 MB with mounting point /fs2 and having read-only permissions:
crfs -v jfs2 -g testvg -a size=10M -p ro -m /fs2
To make a JFS on the rootvg volume group with nondefault fragment size and nondefault number of bytes per i-node (NBPI), enter:
crfs  -v jfs  -g  rootvg  -m /test -a \ size=32768 -a frag=512 -a nbpi=1024
This command creates the /test file system on the rootvg volume group with a fragment size of 512 bytes, a NBPI ratio of 1024, and an initial size of 16 MB (512 * 32768).
To make a JFS on the rootvg volume group with nondefault fragment size and nondefault NBPI, enter:
crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -m /test -a size=16M -a frag=512 -a nbpi=1024
This command creates the /test file system on the rootvg volume group with a fragment size of 512 bytes, a NBPI ratio of 1024, and an initial size of 16 MB.
How do I change the size of a file system?
To increase the /usr file system size by 1000000 512-byte blocks, type:
chfs -a size=+1000000 /usr
To change the file system size of the /test JFS, enter:
chfs  -a size=24576 /test
This command changes the size of the /test JFS to 24576 512-byte blocks, or 12 MB (provided, it was previously no larger than this).
To increase the size of the /test JFS, enter:
chfs  -a size=+8192 /test
This command increases the size of the /test Journaled File System by 8192 512-byte blocks, or 4 MB.
To change the mount point of a file system, enter:
chfs  -m /test2 /test
This command changes the mount point of a file system from /test to /test2.
To delete the accounting attribute from a file system, enter:
chfs -d account /home
This command removes the accounting attribute from the /home file system. The accounting attribute is deleted from the /home: stanza of the /etc/filesystems file.
To split off a copy of a mirrored file system and mount it read-only for use as an online backup, enter:
chfs -a splitcopy=/backup -a copy=2 /testfs
This mounts a read-only copy of /testfs at /backup.
To change the file system size of the /test JFS, enter:
chfs -a size=64M /test
This command changes the size of the /test JFS to 64 MB (provided, it was previously no larger than this).
To reduce the size of the /test JFS2 file system, enter:
chfs  -a size=-16M /test
This command reduces the size of the /test JFS2 file system by 16 MB.
In AIX V5.3, the size of a JFS2 file system can be shrunk, as well.
How do I mount a CD?
Type the following:
mount -V cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0  /cdrom
How do I mount a file system?
The following command will mount file system /dev/fslv02 on the /test directory:
mount /dev/fslv02 /test
How do I mount all default file systems (all standard file systems in the /etc/filesystems file marked by the mount=true attribute)?
The following command will mount all such file systems:
mount {-a|all}
How do I display mounted file systems?
Type the following command to display information about all currently mounted file systems:
To mount a remote directory, enter the following command:
mount -n nodeA /home/tom.remote /home/tom.local
This command sequence mounts the /home/tom.remote directory located on nodeA onto the local /home/tom.local directory. It assumes the default VfsName parameter=remote, which must be defined in the /etc/vfs file.
To mount a file or directory from the /etc/file systems file with a specific type, enter the following command:
mount -t remote
This command sequence mounts all files or directories in the /etc/file systems file that have a stanza containing the type=remote attribute.
To mount a snapshot, enter the following command:
mount -o snapshot /dev/snapsb /home/janet/snapsb
This command mounts the snapshot contained on the /dev/snapsb device onto the /home/janet/snapsb directory.
To mount a file system and create a snapshot, enter the following command:
mount -o snapto=/dev/snapsb /dev/sb /home/janet/sb
This command mounts the file system contained on the /dev/sbdevice directory onto the /home/janet/sb directory and creates a snapshot for the file system on /dev/snapsbdevice.
To remount the mounted read-only JFS2 file system to a read-write file system, enter the following command:
mount –o remount,rw fsname
The remount option is not available in AIX 5.3.
How do I unmount a file system?
Type the following command to unmount the /test file system:
umount /test
To unmount all mounts from the Node A remote node, enter:
umount  -n nodeA
How do I remove a file system?
Type the following command to remove the /test file system:
rmfs /test
This removes the /test file system, its entry in the /etc/filesystems file, and the underlying logical volume.
How can I defragment a file system?
The defragfs command can be used to improve or report the status of contiguous space within a file system. For example, to defragment the file system /home, use the following command:
defragfs /home
To generate a report on the /data1 file system that indicates its current status as well as its status after being defragmented, enter:
defragfs  -r /data1
To generate a report on the fragmentation in the /data1 file system, enter:
defragfs -s /data1
Which file set contains a particular binary?
To list the file set that owns /usr/bin/vmstat, type:
lslpp -w /usr/bin/vmstat
To display all files in the inventory database, type:
lslpp -w
To list the file set that owns all file names containing installp, type:
lslpp -w "*installp*"
Or, to show which file set contains /usr/bin/svmon, type:
which_fileset svmon
How do I display information about the installed file sets on my system?
Type the following command:
lslpp -l
To list the installation state for the most recent level of installed file sets for all of the bos.rte file sets, type:
lslpp -l "bos.rte.*"
To list the installation state for the base level and updates for the bos.rte.filesystem file set, type:
lslpp -La bos.rte.filesystem
To list the names of all the files of the bos.rte.lvm file set, type:
lslpp -f bos.rte.lvm
To list the file set that owns all file names containing installp, type:
lslpp -w "*installp*"
How do I determine if all file sets of technology level are installed on my system?
Type the following command:
instfix -i | grep TL
How do I determine if a fix is installed on my system?
To inform the user on whether fixes IX38794 and IX48523 are installed, type:
instfix  -i  -k "IX38794 IX48523"
How do I install an individual fix by APAR?
To install APAR IY73748 from /dev/cd0, for example, enter the command:
instfix -k IY73748 -d /dev/cd0
To install all file sets associated with fix IX38794 from the tape mounted on /dev/rmt0.1, type:
instfix  -k IX38794  -d /dev/rmt0.1
To install all fixes on the media in the tape drive, type:
instfix  -T  -d /dev/rmt0.1 | instfix  -d /dev/rmt0.1  -f-
The first part of this command lists the fixes on the media, and the second part of this command uses the list as input.
How do I verify if file sets have required prerequisites and are completely installed?
To show the file sets that need to be installed or corrected, type:
lppchk -v
How do I get a dump of the header of the loader section and the symbol entries in symbolic representation?
Type the following command:
dump -Htv
To dump the object file headers, enter:
dump -o a.out
To dump line number information for the a.out file, enter:
dump -l a.out
To dump the contents of the a.out object file text section, enter:
dump -s a.out
To dump symbol table information for the a.out object file, enter:
dump -t a.out
Firmware-assisted dump is now the default dump type in AIX V7.1, when the hardware platform supports firmware-assisted dump. The traditional dump remains the default dump type for AIX V6.1, even when the hardware platform supports firmware-assisted dump.
# oslevel -s
# sysdumpdev -l
primary   /dev/lg_dumplv
secondary   /dev/sysdumpnull
copy directory   /var/adm/ras
forced copy flag  TRUE
always allow dump  FALSE
dump compression  ON
type of dump   traditional

# oslevel -s
# sysdumpdev -l
primary   /dev/lg_dumplv
secondary   /dev/sysdumpnull
copy directory   /var/adm/ras
forced copy flag  TRUE
always allow dump  FALSE
dump compression  ON
type of dump   fw-assisted
full memory dump  disallow
To set the full memory dump option, type:
# sysdumpdev -f require
# sysdumpdev -l
primary   /dev/lg_dumplv
secondary   /dev/sysdumpnull
copy directory   /var/adm/ras
forced copy flag  TRUE
always allow dump  FALSE
dump compression  ON
type of dump   fw-assisted
full memory dump  require
The full memory system dump mode is now allowed. To change to the traditional dump on AIX V7.1, type:
# sysdumpdev -t traditional
# sysdumpdev -l
primary   /dev/lg_dumplv
secondary   /dev/sysdumpnull
copy directory   /var/adm/ras
forced copy flag  TRUE
always allow dump  FALSE
dump compression  ON
type of dump   traditional
To reinstate firmware-assisted dump, type:
# sysdumpdev -t fw-assisted
The firmware-assisted system dump will be configured at the next reboot.
How do I determine the amount of paging space allocated and in use?
Type the following:
lsps -a
How do I increase a paging space?
You can use the chps -s command to dynamically increase the size of a paging space. For example, if you want to increase the size of hd6 with three logical partitions, you issue the following command:
chps -s 3 hd6
To change the size of the myvg paging space, enter:
chps  -s 4 myvg
This adds four logical partitions to the myvg paging space.
How do I reduce a paging space?
You can use the chps-d command to dynamically reduce the size of a paging space. For example, if you want to decrease the size of hd6 with four logical partitions, you issue the following command:
chps -d 4 hd6
How would I know if my system is capable of using simultaneous multithreading (SMT)?
Your system is capable of SMT if it is an IBM POWER5 processor-based system or later running AIX 5L Version 5.3 or later.
How would I know if SMT is enabled for my system?
If you run the smtctl command without any options, it tells you if it is enabled or not.
Is SMT supported for the 32-bit kernel?
Yes, SMT is supported for both 32-bit and 64-bit kernel.
AIX V5.3 32-bit kernel only supports SMT 2. For SMT 4 exploitation, you would need to run AIX V5.3 in a versioned workload partition (WPAR) on top of AIX V7.1 (described in the Workload partitions section). The 32-bit kernel was removed in AIX V6.1.
How do I enable or disable SMT?
You can enable or disable SMT by running the smtctl command. The following is the syntax:
smtctl [ -m off | on [ -w boot | now]]
The following options are available:
Option Description
-m offSets SMT mode to disabled
-m onSets SMT mode to enabled
-w bootMakes the SMT mode change effective on next and subsequent reboots if you run the bosboot command before the next system reboot
-w nowMakes the SMT mode change immediately but will not persist across reboot
If neither the -w boot option nor the -w now option is specified, then the mode change is made immediately. It persists across subsequent reboots if you run the bosboot command before the next system reboot.
To disable simultaneous multithreading for the current boot cycle and for all subsequent boots, enter:
smtctl -m off
The system displays a message similar to the following:
smtctl: SMT is now disabled. It will persist across reboots if you run the bosboot command before the next reboot.
How do I get partition-specific information and statistics?
The lparstat command provides a report of partition information and utilization statistics. This command also provides a display of hypervisor information.
To get the default LPAR statistics, enter the following command:
lparstat 1 1
To get default LPAR statistics with summary statistics on Hypervisor, enter the following command:
lparstat –h 1 1
To get the information about the partition, enter the following command:
lparstat -i
To get detailed hypervisor statistics, enter the following command:
lparstat –H 1 1
To get statistics about the shared memory pool and the I/O memory entitlement of the partition, enter the following command:
lparstat –m
The m option is not available in AIX 5.3.
Volume groups and logical volumes
AIX V7.1 includes enhanced support for solid-state drive (SSD) in the AIX Logical Volume Manager (LVM). The commands lsvg, mkvg, chvg, extendvg, and replacepv described in the following sections support creation, extension, and maintenance of volume groups consisting of SSDs.
How do I know if my volume group is normal, big, or scalable?
Run the lsvg command on the volume group and look at the value for MAX PVs. The value is 32 for normal, 128 for big, and 1024 for scalable volume group.
How can I create a volume group?
Use the following command, where s partition_size sets the number of megabytes (MB) in each physical partition where the partition_size is expressed in units of MB from 1 through 1024. (It is 1 through 131072 for AIX V5.3.) The partition_size variable must be equal to a power of 2 (for example: 1, 2, 4, 8). The default value for standard and big volume groups is the lowest value to remain within the limitation of 1016 physical partitions per physical volume. The default value for scalable volume groups is the lowest value to accommodate 2040 physical partitions per physical volume.
mkvg -y name_of_volume_group -s partition_size list_of_hard_disks
To create a volume group that contains three physical volumes with partition size set to 1 MB, type:
mkvg  -s 1 hdisk3 hdisk5 hdisk6
The volume group is created with an automatically generated name, which is displayed and available at system restart time.
To create a volume group that can accommodate a maximum of 1024 physical volumes and 2048 logical volumes, type:
mkvg -S -v 2048 hdisk6
How can I change the characteristics of a volume group?
You use the following command to change the characteristics of a volume group:
To cause volume group vg03 to be automatically activated during system startup, type:
chvg  -a y vg03
In AIX 7.1, you can also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit chvg fast path to run this command.
How do I create a logical volume?
Type the following:
mklv -y name_of_logical_volume name_of_volume_group number_of_partition
To make a logical volume in vg03 with 15 logical partitions chosen from physical volumes hdisk5, hdisk6, and hdisk9, type:
mklv vg03 15 hdisk5 hdisk6 hdisk9
How do I increase the size of a logical volume?
To increase the size of the logical volume represented by the lv05 directory by three logical partitions, for example, type:
extendlv lv05 3
How do I display all logical volumes that are part of a volume group (for example, rootvg)?
You can display all logical volumes that are part of rootvg by typing the following command:
lsvg -l rootvg
To display the names of all active volume groups, enter the following command:
lsvg -o
To display the names of all volume groups within the system, enter the following command:
To display information about volume group vg02, enter the following command:
lsvg vg02
The characteristics and status of both the logical and physical partitions of volume group vg02 are displayed.
How do I list information about logical volumes?
Run the following command to display information about the logical volume lv1:
lslv lv1
To display the logical volume allocation map for hdisk2, enter:
lslv -p hdisk2
An allocation map for hdisk2 is displayed, showing the state of each partition. Because no LogicalVolume parameter was included, the map does not contain logical partition numbers specific to any logical volume.
To display information about the lv03 logical volume by physical volume, enter:
lslv -l lv03
The characteristics and status of lv03 are displayed, with the output arranged by physical volume.
How do I remove a logical volume from a volume group?
You can remove the logical volume lv7 by running the following command:
rmlv lv7
The rmlv command removes only the logical volume, but does not remove other entities, such as file systems or paging spaces that were using the logical volume.
How do I mirror a logical volume?
  1. mklvcopy LogicalVolumeName Numberofcopies
  2. syncvg VolumeGroupName
The syncvg command synchronizes the logical volume copies.
To add physical partitions to the logical partitions in the lv01 logical volume, so that a total of three copies exist for each logical partition, enter:
mklvcopy lv01 3
The logical partitions in the logical volume represented by the lv01 directory have three copies.
How do I remove a copy of a logical volume?
You can use the rmlvcopy command to remove copies of logical partitions of a logical volume. To reduce the number of copies of each logical partition belonging to the testlv logical volume, enter:
rmlvcopy testlv 2
Each logical partition in the logical volume now has at most two physical partitions.
Queries about volume groups
To show volume groups in the system, type:
To show all the characteristics of rootvg, type:
lsvg rootvg
To show disks used by rootvg, type:
lsvg -p rootvg
How to add a disk to a volume group?
Type the following:
extendvg   VolumeGroupName   hdisk0 hdisk1 ... hdiskn
To add physical volumes hdisk3 and hdisk8 to volume group vg3, enter:
extendvg vg3 hdisk3 hdisk8
The volume group must be varied on before extending.
How do I find out the maximum supported logical track group (LTG) size of my hard disk?
You can use the lquerypv command with the -M flag. The output gives the LTG size in KB. For instance, the LTG size for hdisk0 in the following example is 256 KB.
/usr/sbin/lquerypv -M hdisk0
You can also run the lspv command on the hard disk and look at the value for MAX REQUEST.
What does the syncvg command do?
The syncvg command is used to synchronize stale physical partitions. It accepts names of logical volumes, physical volumes, or volume groups as parameters.
For example, to synchronize the physical partitions located on physical volumes hdisk4 and hdisk5, use:
syncvg -p hdisk4 hdisk5
To synchronize all physical partitions from volume group testvg, use:
syncvg -v testvg
To synchronize the copies on volume groups vg04 and vg05, enter:
syncvg -v vg04 vg05
How do I replace a disk?
  1. extendvg VolumeGroupName hdisk_new
  2. migratepv hdisk_bad hdisk_new
  3. reducevg -d VolumeGroupName hdisk_bad
The command migratepv moves allocated physical partitions from one physical volume to one or more other physical volumes.
The reducevg command removes physical volumes from a volume group. When all the physical volumes are removed from the volume group, the volume group is deleted.
How can I clone (make a copy of) the rootvg?
You can run the alt_disk_copy command to copy the current rootvg to an alternate disk. The following example shows how to clone the rootvg to hdisk1.
alt_disk_copy -d  hdisk1


How can I display or set values for network parameters?
The no command sets or displays current or next boot values for network tuning parameters.
To display the maximum size of the mbuf pool, type:
no -o thewall
To change the default socket buffer sizes on your system, type:
no -r -o tcp_sendspace=32768
no -r -o udp_recvspace=32768
To use a system as an Internet work router over the Internet Protocol networks, type:
 no -o ipforwarding=1
To list the current and reboot value, range, unit, type and dependencies of all tunable parameters that are managed by the no command, type:
no -L
How do I get the IP address of my machine?
Type one of the following commands:
ifconfig -a

host Fully_Qualified_Host_Name
For example, type the following command to get the IP address of the machine
How do I identify the network interfaces on my server?
Either of the following two commands will display the network interfaces:
lsdev -Cc if
ifconfig -a
To get information about one specific network interface, for example, tr0, run the command:
ifconfig tr0
How do I activate a network interface?
To activate the network interface tr0, run the command:
ifconfig tr0 up
How do I deactivate a network interface?
For example, to deactivate the network interface tr0, run the command:
ifconfig tr0 down
How do I display routing table, interface, and protocol information?
To display routing table information for an Internet interface, type:
netstat -r -f inet
To display interface information for an Internet interface, type:
netstat -i -f inet
To display statistics for each protocol, type:
netstat -s -f inet
How do I record packets received or transmitted?
To record packets coming in and going out to any host on every interface, enter:
iptrace /tmp/nettrace
The trace information is placed in the /tmp/nettrace file.
To record packets received on an interface en0 from a remote host airmail over the Telnet port, enter:
iptrace -i en0 -p telnet -s airmail /tmp/telnet.trace
The trace information is placed in the /tmp/telnet.trace file.

Workload partitions

Workload partitions (WPARs), a set of completely new software-based system virtualization features, were introduced in IBM AIX Version 6.1. With AIX 6.1 TL4, the capability to create a WPAR with its root file systems on a storage device dedicated to that WPAR was introduced. With AIX 6.1 TL6, the capability to have Virtual I/O Server (VIOS)-based virtual Small Computer System Interface (VSCSI) disks in a WPAR was introduced. Storage area network (SAN) support for rootvg system WPAR released with AIX 6.1 TL 6 provided the support of individual devices (disk or tapes) in a WPAR.
With AIX 7.1, the support of kernel extension load and VIOS disks and their management within a WPAR has been added, allowing a rootvg WPAR that supports VIOS disks. A new product named AIX 5.2 Workload Partitions for AIX 7 to support an AIX 5.2 environment in a versioned workload partition has been introduced in AIX 7.1. The enhancement introduced with the reliability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) error-logging mechanism has been propagated to WPARs with AIX 7.1. This RAS error-logging feature first became available in AIX 7.1 and was included in AIX 6.1 TL 06.
How do I create a workload partition?
To create a WPAR named temp with the IP address xxx.yyy.zzz.nnn, type:
mkwpar -n temp -N address= xxx.yyy.zzz.nnn
All values that are not specified are generated or discovered from the global system settings.
To create a workload partition based on an existing specification file wpar1.spec, type:
mkwpar -f /tmp/wpar1.spec
How do I create a new specification file for an existing workload partition wpar1?
To create a specification file wpar2.spec for an existing workload partition wpar1, type:
mkwpar -e wpar1 -o /tmp/wpar2.spec -w
How do I start a workload partition?
To start the workload partition called temp, type:
startwpar temp
How do I stop a workload partition?
To stop the workload partition called temp, type:
stopwpar temp
How do I view the characteristics of workload partitions?
To view the characteristics of all workload partitions, type:

Name   State   Type   Hostname  Directory     
bar   A   S  /wpars/bar
bar   A   S  /wpars/bar
foo   D   S /wpars/foo
trigger   A   A   trigger  /
How do I log in to a workload partition?
To log in to the workload partition named wpar1 as user foo, type:
clogin wpar1 -l foo
How do I run a command in a workload partition?
To run the /usr/bin/ps command as user root in a workload partition named howdy, type:
clogin howdy -l root /usr/bin/ps
How do I remove a workload partition?
To remove the workload partition called temp, type:
rmwpar temp
To stop and remove the workload partition called temp preserving data on its file system, type:
rmwpar -p -s temp

Performance monitoring tools

The iostat command described below has been enhanced in AIX 6.1 TL6 and AIX 7.1 to capture useful data to help analyze I/O issues and identify and correct the problem quicker. A new flag, -b, is available for the iostat command to display block I/O device utilization statistics.
How do I display virtual memory statistics?
To display a summary of the virtual memory statistics since boot, type:
To display five summaries at 2-second intervals, type:
vmstat 2 5
To display a summary of the statistics since boot including statistics for logical disks scdisk13 and scdisk14, enter the following command:
vmstat scdisk13 scdisk14
To display time-stamp next to each column of output of vmstat, enter the following command:
vmstat -t
To display all the VMM statistics available, enter the following command:
vmstat -vs
To display a summary of the statistics for all of the workload partitions after boot, type:
vmstat -@ ALL
To display all of the virtual memory statistics available for all of the workload partitions, type:
vmstat -vs -@ ALL
How do I display statistics for all TTY, CPU, and disks?
To display a single set of statistics for all TTY, CPU, and disks since boot, type:
To display a continuous disk report at 2-second intervals for the disk with the logical name disk1, type:
iostat -d disk1 2
To display six reports at 2-second intervals for the disk with the logical name disk1, type:
iostat disk1 2 6
To display six reports at 2-second intervals for all disks, type:
iostat -d 2 6
To display six reports at two second intervals for three disks named disk1, disk2, disk3, enter the following command:
iostat disk1 disk2 disk3 2 6
To print the system throughput report since boot, enter the following command:
iostat -s
To print the adapter throughput reports at 5-second intervals, enter the following command:
iostat -a 5
To print 10 system and adapter throughput reports at 20-second intervals, with only the TTY and CPU report (no disk reports), enter the following command:
iostat -sat 20 10
To print the system and adapter throughput reports with the disk utilization reports of hdisk0 and hdisk7 every 30 seconds, enter the following command:
iostat -sad hdisk0 hdisk7 30
To display time stamp next to each line of output of iostat, enter the following command:
iostat -T 60
To display only file system statistics for all workload partitions, type:
iostat -F -@ ALL
To display system throughput of all workload partitions along with the system, type:
iostat -s -@ ALL
How do I display local and remote system statistics?
Type the following command:
To go directly to the process display, enter:
topas -P
To go directly to the logical partition display, enter:
topas -L
To go directly to the disk metric display, enter:
topas -D
To go directly to the file system display, enter:
topas -F
To go directly to WPAR monitoring mode abc, enter the following command:
topas -@ abc
To go directly to the topas WPAR mode, enter the following command:
topas -@
How do I report system unit activity?
Type the following command:
To report current TTY activity for each 2 seconds for the next 40 seconds, enter the following command:
sar -y -r 2 20
To report the processor use statistics in a WPAR from the global environment, enter the following command:
sar -@ wparname
To report all of the processor activities from inside a WPAR, enter the following command:
sar -P ALL 1 1
To report processor activity for the first two processors, enter:
sar  -u  -P 0,1
This produces output similar to the following:
cpu  %usr  %sys  %wio  %idle
0      45    45     5      5
1      27    65     3      5


Admittedly, a list such as this can be helpful in quickly answering some of your own questions. However, it does not cover everything that you might need. You can extend the usefulness of such a list by adding other commands that answer additional questions not addressed here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Weblogic OWSM Username/Toket

Copying in case original post is removed.. ...

This assumes that you already have a project with a web service that you want to secure with WSSE Username Token with a Static username / password. This is generally when we are doing system level integration and have a system user. We recommend that each system would have a separate user created to enable meaningful auditing.
There is a concept of the Service Accounts within OSB, this can be used for HTTP user access but we are using an OWSM SOAP based policy that does not use these accounts. The OWSM policy needs to either have a user supplied (forwarded via service calls) or override the credentials with a credential key. If for example you are consuming from a JMS or database we may not have a user identity or we have only a static system user we will user credential keys.
We will now run through how to set up a credential key and connect it up to a business service.


We start by logging into the EM (Enterprise Manager), and then open the Weblogic Domain and right click on the domain to show the context menu.
In the domain context menu we will select Security > Credentials.
The existing credentials are shown; we are using an OWSM policy (oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy) therefore we need to create an credential key.
We then hit the ‘Create Key’ button.
This will create a pop window for creating new credential keys.
The map needs to be ‘’; the Key needs to be unique and should be something that explains the usage for operational support. The type is password and user is the system user ‘osbuser’ and the password is the actual system password setup in the system we are invoking. I also recommend entering a description of the key for later identification.
The server will show you a message for successful creation.

The key will now appear in the group, the key must appear in here and in the correct group for the OWSM policy to use it. This is the end of the EM configurations, now we move over to the OSB console.


The first thing we need to do is to create an administration session (required to make modification). Once we have a session need to select the service that we want to add the security policy; we have selected a project and then select the outgoing business service BusinessService.
We need to go to the ‘Policies’ tab to see the applied policies.
We are using OWSM Policy Store; therefore we select the radio button which will enable the selection window.
The Add button will prompt you with a policy selection window. The policy that we want is ‘oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy’.
There are two pages the username policy is on the second page.
We will select the policy and hit the submit button.
The policy will appear in the policies tab; this then needs to applied via ‘Update’ button.
This will then show the successful message in the information panel.
This update will enable an additional tab, Security.
The security tab shows the configuration options for the policies that have been applied to the osb service.
The username token client policy will try to forward the identity; we want to set a system username. We will use the override value to set a static username/password.
We will return to the EM console to get the name of our ‘Credential Key’.
The credential key name is copied from the EM.
Into the ‘Override Value’ of the security tab in the service.
Once we entered the override value we will need to ‘Update’ the configuration to apply.
The information panel will display the confirmation of the update.
These changes are not yet active; we need to activate the session to apply these changes to the OSB.

As always we should enter a description and submit it to take effect.

We can then test that we have configured the security up correct. We have created a SOAPUI mock service and set the endpoint of the business service and do an execution. We can now see the message we have received.
As you can see the user token is now in the message and the username is that which we entered in the Enterprise Manager.